根據世界知名大學 (University of London, Oxford University & University of Nottingham ) 聯名於歐洲舉行的一項大型學前教育長期縱貫性研究*, 收集及整理 3000 名 3 至 7 歲學童的資料後, 研究人員得出以下 4 大重點:
All Round Development
學者認為, 在全人發展方面, 學前教育比任何的家庭教育更為重要
Pre-school experience, compared to none, enhances all-round development in children. The findings indicate pre-school has a positive impact on children’s progress over and above important family influences.
Intellectual Development
學者認為越早開始學前教育, 對小朋友的智力發展越有幫助, 尤其是三歲前的教育, 對小朋友的幫助更為明顯
Duration of attendance (in months) is important; an earlier start (under age 3 years) is related to better intellectual development.
Behaviourial Development
優質的學前教育, 與孩童更好的智力、社交及行為發育有著重要的關係
High quality pre-schooling is related to better intellectual and social/behavioural development for children.
Enhance Mental Development
由數據得出, 普遍智力發展較遲緩, 能力較弱的學童曾接受(4至6個月)更少的學前教育
Overall disadvantaged children tend to attend pre-school for shorter periods of time than those from more advantaged groups (around 4-6 months less)
Reference :
* K Sylva, Ed Melhuish, P Sammons, I S Blatchford and B Taggart (2004). The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Findings from Pre-school to end of Key Stage1, University of London, University of Oxford, University of Nottingham
所以, Playgroup 只是跟小朋友玩遊戲? 最科學的解答就當然不是。在校的學前教育比起單純在家中學習, 對孩童的智力發展更有幫助。而及早的學前教育, 對孩童更佳的智力發展更有顯注的效果。